The school timetable generation API URL is, with two opitional parameters: seed and gens.
The API is accessed by a GET method, that requires a JSON. Check the structure below. Its components will be explained further in this page.
{ "classrooms": [string], "weekly working day amount": unsigned integer, "schedules per day": unsigned integer, "teachers": { "<teacher>": { "schedules per week": unsigned integer, "subjects": { "<classroom>": [string], ... } }, ... } }
Check more about the form for the information about the meaning of each field. This page will only explain how to format the data.
The seed and gens parameters take integer numbers, signed to seed and unsigned to gens. They are included in the URL. (E. g.
If a parameter is not given, default values will be used: a random value to seed and 128 to gens.
The first three objects of the JSON are:
classrooms: a list of strings, the names of the classrooms.
weekly working day amount: an unsigned integer.
schedules per day: an unsigned integer.
The teachers object contains more objects that represent each teacher whose key is the teacher's name and that contains more objects with keys:
schedules per week: an unsigned integer.
subjects: an object that contains more objects with keys: the keys are the classroom's name for each classroom and the values are lists of strings that represent the subjects that the teacher teaches for that classroom or an empty list for when no subjects are teached by the teacher for that classroom.